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Thursday, April 10, 2014

My black thumb and I should of stopped at plants...

Remember when you were little and you begged your mum and dad for that "oh so cute" cat or dog?  Then they responded with "You have to feed it and walk it and clean up after it every day or it'll go to the farm"?  well, same thing applies to spouses. It seems like a fun idea at the time, but it's a lot of work making sure they keep breathing.  Forget to feed them twice and you come home to this...
(yes. that's him sleeping face down into the couch like an exhausted cat would)


  1. Dude, that's hilarious! Phil would never do that. He can only sleep in a very controlled environment: must be night, dark, quiet, he has to be in bed, etc etc. (translation: he's super OCD, especially when it comes to sleeping.)

    But I think I got a weird man in many ways. He does not do typical "man things". :)

    1. *laughs* and I think him being a soldier is just the opposite. he falls asleep anywhere and in any position. noise or not. sometimes I have to poke him with a stick to make sure he's still alive.
