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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

So I lied about being back in 10 mins....

I've spent almost a month back in the motherland, the mitten state Michigan, visiting family and friends.  I had some shenanigans with my friends and quality time with my family. Good stuff, I miss that place. I got a few tattoos, painted some pottery, ate some yummy foods, had some drinks and enjoyed the cool summer temps up there.  I also ended up coming home with some Michigan cooties.  Guess they didn't want me to forget them so fast.  So I been rocking a cold since last Wednesday and it kinda sucks. 
So Sunday night we're clearing the beer bottles out of the tub (long story) and I'm laying on the floor half in the bathroom and half in the hall carrying on the most hilarious conversation that I cant remember now because the lack of sleep and cold meds. But this is the part I remember.
*kali in the hallway sniffing my foot*
Me: Kali is probably wondering what the hell you did to me now. She finally got me back and doesn't have to worry about food situation anymore.
Mister: WHAT EVER! She ate fine.
Me: She lost weight.
Mister: No way! She had food every day.
Me: Yeah, because she learned to ration it.
Mister: Why are you so mean?
Me: Don't hate because I'm better at it then you.

Now onto the vacation photos....
(my 3 siblings in the front, my BIL and niece behind me)
(I got tattooed. 3 total this time. mermaid on my side/ribs, a memorial heart on my hip/butt and a painting I did on my thigh)


(saw some friends I haven't seen in years)

(and some I haven't seen since last time)

(I even kicked it with some new peeps)



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